Abraham Lincoln
Source: Wikipedia
A few days ago I ran into an interesting, but ambitious project online called “The Papers of Abraham Lincoln”. According to the project’s website, they are “dedicated to identifying, imaging, transcribing, annotating, and publishing all documents written by or to Abraham Lincoln during his entire lifetime (1809-1865).” It is certainly an ambitious goal, but if successful, it will provide an invaluable resource for researchers who may not otherwise have access to some of the documents.
A couple of the interesting documents featured on the site are The Gettysburg Address and the Bixby Letter (featured, although no original is known to exist, according to the website). You can also find a list of newly added documents here.
Thanks! I’ve been trying to learn more about Lincoln…it’s pretty awesome that they have the images of original copies uploaded online now.
You’re welcome! I definitely agree that it’s great that they include scans of the originals. It really adds to the context a lot!