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Illuminati in the 18th Century
Secret societies, like the notorious Illuminati, have long fascinated people worldwide, their influence extending from history into today’s popular culture.

History Rhymes Gets a New Design and More
Today I am excited to announce that after a number of years of lying dormant, History Rhymes is finally getting a new lease on life.

Kaiser Wilhelm II After His Abdication – Part 1
Kaiser Wilhelm II abdicated after the end of the First World War, but that is generally when he exits the stage of popular history. So what happened to him? What did he do in that time? This article aims to explore some of these questions.

A Decade of History Rhymes
It is hard to believe that an entire decade has elapsed since I published my first History Rhymes blog post entitled “Starting Out.” A lot has changed in the past ten years and I have big plans for it for the future.

Kings of Bavaria: Conclusion – After the Fall of the Monarchy
The rule of the Bavarian kings ended with the German Revolution of 1918-1919 in the immediate aftermath of World War I. The royal family became enemies of the Nazis and had to flee Germany, but never gave up the dream of restoring the monarchy.
History Rhymes Featured on Tutorful
History Rhymes has been picked to be featured in an editorial by Tutorful called “History Lovers: Awesome Websites and Resources To Cure Your Boredom”.

Kings of Bavaria: King Ludwig III
A long, tragic series of events brought King Ludwig III to the Bavarian throne. He was the monarch who was never destined to become king. He did not inherit it, but instead took it from his mentally ill cousin. Ludwig also saw the end of his family’s 700-year rule over Bavaria.

Kings of Bavaria: King Otto I
King Otto I was the king who never reigned. His story was a tragic one that to this day remains unique in the history of Bavaria. He became king upon his older brother’s death, but as he had already been declared insane and mentally unfit to rule, his uncle took over his royal duties as prince regent.

The Rise of Democracy in England
Today’s idea of democracy has taken centuries to develop and no other country has such a unique history with democracy as that of England. From the first Norman kings in the eleventh century CE, to today’s complex relationship between the English people, the monarchy and the Parliament, the process by which the English have come to govern themselves in modern times is quite a tale unto itself.

Houses in Fin-de-Siècle Britain: Conclusion
Fin-de-Siècle Britain saw many new styles and innovations in the architecture of houses. Some of these new designs were visual whilst others were more practical. A mishmash of styles were created by a number of different architects in an attempt to redefine British architecture, but they would effectively only give the period a sense of chaos.