Pardon for Billy the Kid?

While reading the news today, I discovered that the current governor of New Mexico, Bill Richardson, is considering pardoning Billy the Kid for killing a sheriff. Richardson only has until Friday to decide because that is when his term will end.

December 29, 2010

First World War Officially Ends

I read something really interesting in the news today that I thought I would share here. According to the British newspaper, Telegraph, the First World War is finally coming to an end today. This past weekend, Germany made it’s final payment for the war and thereby finally cleared the debt given to Germany by the … more →

October 3, 2010

19th Century Books from the British Library

According to The Times, the British Library is currently undertaking a project to digitize their collection of more than 65,000 nineteenth century books in an effort to preserve them and make them available for free for public consumption. The only catch is that you must own an Amazon Kindle which is something I find incredibly … more →

February 7, 2010

New Theme

I’ve decided it was time to update the look of History Rhymes to something a bit more professional-looking. This new theme I chose, called Lightword is a modern theme that supports the features of WordPress 2.9 which is what powers History Rhymes. The old theme did not support all of the new features, such as … more →

January 23, 2010

New Domain

Today I registered an actual domain for History Rhymes! From now on, History Rhymes will be available at You will not need to update your RSS feeds or anything as that will automatically be taken care of. The blog will also still be available at the old URL, so you really only need to … more →

January 18, 2009

Remaining Romanov Bones Found

I know this has nothing to do with American history, but I thought I would add an entry about it anyway since I found it interesting. The History Blog is reporting that the remains of the two missing children of Tsar Nicholas II have been found. The bones belong to Tsarevich Alexei and Grand Duchess … more →

May 4, 2008

New Photos of Lincoln’s Second Inauguration

This evening I was browsing a few different history sites and on one of them,, I ran into an interesting article about new photos of President Lincoln’s second inauguration that were miscataloged at the Library of Congress. They were discovered by Carl Jennings of Berthoud, CO while looking for photos for a project he … more →

April 15, 2008